Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sophie's Turn For FHE

Sophie planned a great little lesson for Family Home Evening a couple of weeks ago. At Primary they did a demonstration of the Wise Man and the Foolish Man. She decided that she wanted to show us. She made two houses out of paper. She filled one container with brown sugar which was the sand and she filled the other container with blocks which represented the rock. She put the houses on top of the brown sugar and the blocks and poured water over them to see which one stood strong. We talked about what it really means to "Build your House upon the Rock". The kids took it quite literally...to actually build a house on sand or on rocks. So it was a good little teaching moment. Love those! Great Job Sophie!!

This is the kids singing the Wise Man and the Foolish Man.


  1. I love the FHE lessons that kids do. They are not only great teaching moments for everyone but it is wonderful to see their testimonies grow. I haven't seen an object lesson like that. I will have to remember it for the future. :)

  2. LOL I love Sophie so much!! That is so cute that she wanted to sare that with the family. I loved that lesson in primary too~
